Dviation Technics – the Latest smart MRO!

We are really pleased to announce Dviation Technics as the latest ‘smart MRO’ utilising MRO-PRO software.

Dviation Technics is a Malaysian-based MRO providing global Line Maintenance services. They have over 130 engineers and operate in a number of locations throughout the Southeast Asia region.

 Dviation is a significantly sized and well-established MRO and they represent MRO-PRO’s largest implementation project to date. The size, complexity and uniqueness of their operation necessitates a high degree of flexibility in their systems. Working closely with the team in Kuala Lumpur, we were able to configure MRO-PRO out of the box to cater for 95% of Dviation’s uniqueness and flexibility demands. MRO-PRO was then customised and enhanced specifically for Dviation to ensure 100% perfect fit. Flexibility is one of MRO-PRO’s founding principals and it was fantastic to see it truly put to the test with Dviation.

 MRO-PRO has digitised Dviation Technics’ line maintenance records (Work Orders), stores, procurement, tooling, compliance, and invoicing functions, among many other features. It replaces a manual system of paper and spreadsheets, ushering in a new era of efficiency for the business.

We are thrilled to be collaborating with Dviation Technics, a growing business with a promising future ahead. Please get in touch with us to discover how MRO-PRO can boost your MRO operation and deliver the highest quality real time data, in support of the high standards your clients demand.

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